News and Events

Kari Campbell Kari Campbell

Happy Surveyor’s Week!

Since people have owned land, surveying has been an essential profession. The earliest evidence of surveying, potentially going back to 11,000 years ago, is found at the Nabta Playa site in southern Egypt, related to the construction of large megalithic structures. 

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Debra Oakes Debra Oakes

FIG Working Week is Coming Up Fast!

Hi, this is Tim Burch, Executive Director of NSPS, and I’m teaming up with Berntsen to share why we’re so excited about this year’s FIG Working Week.

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News Debra Oakes News Debra Oakes

Benjamin Banneker - Mathematician, Astronomer, Reformer and Surveyor

Looking back at the start of our nation, there are those that stand out for their singular contributions that laid the foundations of democracy. Surveyors, including Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln, literally set the boundaries of our country and its ideals. Other surveyors made significant and lasting contributions, including Benjamin Bannaker.

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News Debra Oakes News Debra Oakes

Remonumenting - a solid foundation for economic growth

As any surveyor knows, our nation was built on surveying, with many of our early leaders getting their start as surveyors (Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson, to name a few). Early surveyors laid the essential groundwork for land records that have served us well for many years. Unfortunately, land records in many states are based on original surveys done in the 1800s or even earlier. That’s fine when land remains unchanged for decades . . .

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News Debra Oakes News Debra Oakes

Mapping the Grand Canyon - the challenge that took a century

The history of Grand Canyon mapping and surveying is almost as convoluted as the canyon itself. The task requires vision, a special set of skills, determination, money, endurance and luck - nevertheless, many explorers and surveyors have accepted the challenge and produced some of the most beautiful maps ever created.

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Debra Oakes Debra Oakes

Emily Pierce Joins Berntsen as Business Development Manager

Berntsen International, Inc., is pleased to announce that Emily Pierce, former president of the Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors, is Berntsen’s new Business Development Manager. With decades of experience as a surveyor and leader, Emily brings in-depth knowledge of the art of surveying; her on-going contributions to the profession of surveying are welcomed and supported by Berntsen.

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News Debra Oakes News Debra Oakes

Three Surveyors and That Other Guy

Among surveyors, Mount Rushmore is referred to as Three Surveyors and That Other Guy.

Did you know that it could be argued that all of the presidents on Mount Rushmore were surveyors? Three of the presidents are acknowledged surveyors: Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson (more to come about these surveyors in future blogs). But what about that other guy, Theodore Roosevelt?

While he never earned the title of surveyor or developed surveying expertise, Roosevelt was instrumental in mapping a thousand mile-long uncharted river in Brazil.

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News Debra Oakes News Debra Oakes

Berntsen "Hearts" Surveyors

Like surveyors, Berntsen cares about quality, accuracy and a job well done. We provide the quality products that help surveyors leave their mark, and we are thrilled to celebrate the stories they share with us. The book “Lasting Impressions – A Glimpse into the Legacy of Surveying” authored by our CEO, Rhonda Rushing, looks at the importance of surveying and the monuments that have a personal and lasting impact on people’s lives.

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News Debra Oakes News Debra Oakes

Daniel Boone, Surveyor - and a bunch of other stuff, too.

One of the little-known facts about the expansion of settlers into the interior territories of the United States was the essential role that surveying played in establishing settlements. As tracts of land were allotted to settlers, these tracts had to be measured, marked and recorded. This effort called for enterprising people who were educated, resourceful, and tough enough to live off the land.

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