News and Events

News Debra Oakes News Debra Oakes

Quality that stands the test of time

I’m proud to be a surveyor. Surveying is the foundation of my career and has taught me a lot about the world. It has improved my ability to think analytically, helped me understand underlying principles, and shown me how to use data to solve problems help people find common ground (pun intended).

Today, as Berntsen’s business development manager, I’m relying on those skills to help Berntsen better serve surveyors. Long before I joined the Berntsen team, I was a Berntsen customer – I could count on their products (and support) to be top-notch.

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News Debra Oakes News Debra Oakes

It’s National Infrastructure Week!

While COVID-19 measures have closed many businesses, workers building and maintaining our infrastructure have been busier than ever dealing with the new demands created by a massive workforce shift from offices to homes. Many of us working at home have been given the opportunity to consider these services from a different perspective.

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